Tuesday, March 08, 2011

52 in 52: Second Sock Syndrome

I can't decide whether it's going to be worth the time investment to finish my current pair of socks.  This is my second go-round with this yarn-and-pattern combination, and while I absolutely love that the knitted-up fabric is loud and full of faux-isle goodness, I am still trying to decide whether knee socks are something I'll actually wear.

I'm having similar thoughts about the Golden Ratio Mittens, which I'm really not looking forward to finishing and should probably just frog and be done with it.  Not feeling it, now that I've given an alternate gift to the originally-intended recipient.

Or it could be that the days are lengthening, the snow is showing signs of eventually disappearing, and I want to knit lace.  It could be that.

Trying, hard, to decide if I want to finish possible Items 3 and 4 of 52 or rip out and regroup.  Feh.