Thursday, December 27, 2012

Second Verse, Same as the First

Don't know if I'll be any louder in 2013, but it's unlikely to be worse - I got a job and completely abandoned my hobbies (and most of the rest of my life).

Yet again, I'm setting the bar high: 52 projects between January 1 and December 31, with 13.1 miles spun, knitted, or crocheted.

Oh, and make it through my first year of full-time contracted teaching, but really, I was planning to do that anyway.

First up: four pairs of socks in 3 months, a violently purple shawl in a pattern I've been wanting to get to for over a year, and a couple of hats in various shapes and levels of floppy.  More Hexipuffs (because they are fun and a great way to use up yarn ends).  Some dishcloths, because it makes me happy to have Doctor Who dishcloths, and also they're fairly easy turn-ins for the silly Harry Potter knitting game I play TO WIN.

Wednesday, April 04, 2012


I am nothing if not ambitious.  (Hey, I'm not in Slytherin House in the pretend knitting game on Ravelry for nothing.  I'm also a huge, huge nerd, but we knew that already.)

So, I have some goals for 2012.  Some crafting goals, to be more precise, because the Real Life goals (finish my masters, get a full-time contract, & get the house in order) are big, but kind of boring in the daily making-of.

Anyway.  Crafty crafterson over here also has a case of crazy pants.  52 in 52.  13.1 miles.  And so on.

Here's the breakdown of my goals.  I'm including in my 52 in 52 the finishing of Works in Progress (or WIPs) because otherwise, they will never, ever be complete.  So there.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

2012 Challenges: 13.1 & 52/52

Because I am nothing if not ambitious (and perpetually almost willfully unaware of my limits), I have set myself a set of challenges for 2012, one old, one renewed: finish 52 projects in 52 weeks and knit, crochet, sew, or spin a combination of 13.1 miles (23,056 yards).

I'll be counting.  Will you?

Sunday, March 18, 2012

My Year Starts Sometime in May

I am currently in the throes of writing a 140-page document that serves as the capstone of my master's program.  I have also in my fourth month of full-time teaching in an interim position of indefinite length.  Bluntly: I have no time for hobbies.

I've still managed to squeeze in a very few number of fiber-related projects, but my production is low, compared to the past two years.

I still found time to spin 268 yards of noms.

Beginning in May (when I - hopefully - graduate with a Masters of Arts in Teaching), I'll renew my efforts to document my fiber-related pursuits while simultaneously trying to use up my stash (as ever).

Until then?  Picture me frantically writing essays while gazing longingly at whatever I've got on the needles or on the spindle.