Friday, June 05, 2009

I may pull this off, yet.

Instead of fixing what I did to my dress muslin by interfacing the cut-up pieces, I decided to use the medium-weight interfacing to make a new pattern. I pinned the cut-up pieces of fabric to the interfacing, traced the pinned fabric to mark the stitching line, then added a six-inch hem to the bottom of each piece and a two-inch seam allowance to the top and sides.

Brief panic ensued when I ran out of interfacing at piece seven of eight. Duct tape + smaller pieces = useable interfacing piece. (I'll zig-zag along that seam this afternoon after work so there's no incidental shifting. Because that would throw off my pattern, and I don't want that!)

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Nothing like a deadline for motivation.

It took me three months to complete the muslin for my wedding dress and 20 minutes to create problems for myself by cutting the dress apart along the stitching line instead of ripping the seams.

I have absolutely no idea what possessed me.

Tonight's plan: make muslin pieces into pattern pieces by stabilizing with Serious Interfacing. If that fails, backup plan: make new muslin from original pattern and get to altering.

I have less than a month to go. Better get to work!