Thursday, October 27, 2011

52 in 52: Week 43

I blame the Harry Potter Knit Crochet House Cup on Ravelry
I'm a bit closer to "on track" with this hare-brained scheme, although I'm not convinced I'll hit 52, between work and school and my work assignment getting extended and extended and extended (which is an AWESOME thing).

Since I've finally figured out spinning, I'm counting yarns-I-make in my "finished object count" for the year. And I've been making yarn like whoa because (a) I can do it in the dark, which makes it movie-compatible and (b) I can do it even when my brain is mush from the over-tired.

Om Nom Nom
 My first useable yarn is a worsted-ish weight 2-ply merino/massam/silk blend that knits and warms like a bulky-weight alpaca.  (I spun the first 45 yards, then started knitting, stopping only to spin more yarn when I ran out.)

Thursday, August 04, 2011

52 in 52: Week 31

So, Weeks 16 through 30 were, um, busy.  Between trying to finish up student teaching and all the involved paperwork (including the never-ending portfolio), trying to find a job for this fall, volunteering at summer school, and the Vacation of Awesome, it's been a fairly breathless summer.

 I found time to complete another Umbrous shawl, however, which ... just ... Crystal writes amazing patterns.  Super easy to follow, scalable, and a beautiful end project.  Love.

Monday, April 11, 2011

52 in 52: Week 15

I'm at the end of my semester, so knitting time has been scarce as I try to wrap up all my deliverables for student teaching.  I did finish one object, last week: a simple alpaca cowl/eternity scarf.

The so-called Snuggly Cowl used both skeins of Blue Sky Alpacas that I had in my stash and the end result is smooshable and warm - too warm, in fact, to wear with my winter coat.  Perhaps when I switch over to a lighter jacket, since I still have car lot duty every afternoon.

I like the simple, but not boring to knit (free!) pattern.  This might be a reasonable choice for simple gifts, in the future.  (Mine, for now, though!)

Saturday, April 02, 2011

52 in 52: Weeks 3 - 14

Did I mention that student teaching is keeping me busy?!  Blogging has fallen way down the priority list, despite promises to myself about Doing Better about such things.

I've managed to finish a few projects since my last post, however, which brings me to five projects completed for the year, with another umpteen in progress.  I can't talk about one of my recent finishes, knit largely between bronchitis-induced naps over Spring Break, as it is a gift (and a spectacular one at that).  The other two products are less inspiring, but no less finished:

 Yes, a dishcloth.  Previously-knit (as in when I first started learning, back in 2002 or 2003) cloths are starting to develop worrisome holes and other signs of being used up.

So I made a new one.  And attempted to dye it, using Coca-Cola.  (I learned that Coke makes a poor dye base because the "dye" comes out in the wash.  Oh, well.)

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

52 in 52: Second Sock Syndrome

I can't decide whether it's going to be worth the time investment to finish my current pair of socks.  This is my second go-round with this yarn-and-pattern combination, and while I absolutely love that the knitted-up fabric is loud and full of faux-isle goodness, I am still trying to decide whether knee socks are something I'll actually wear.

I'm having similar thoughts about the Golden Ratio Mittens, which I'm really not looking forward to finishing and should probably just frog and be done with it.  Not feeling it, now that I've given an alternate gift to the originally-intended recipient.

Or it could be that the days are lengthening, the snow is showing signs of eventually disappearing, and I want to knit lace.  It could be that.

Trying, hard, to decide if I want to finish possible Items 3 and 4 of 52 or rip out and regroup.  Feh.

Monday, January 17, 2011

52 in 52: Weeks 1 & 2

Despite the challenges of student teaching (I'm even more invested in defending Saturdays as time OFF), I'm still squeezing in time to knit, here and there.  I don't know if I'll be able to maintain this pace, but I'm more-or-less on track to complete 52 projects in 2011.

So far, I've finished two and started a third and, perhaps best of all, they are all for me.  The fourth project scheduled for January is the second mitten of a pair; the first is done (save the thumb).

Saturday, January 01, 2011

52 in 52

I came across an ambitious - and awesome - group on Ravelry this week. It's called "52 in 52" and the idea is that participants commit to complete 52 projects in 52 weeks. It's also not necessarily a one-project-per-week thing, since some projects go quickly and others not so much. (Ben's Henry, I am looking at you.)

One of the requirements of this challenge is that fiber artists have no more than 4 projects on the needles at once. I've developed up a bad habit that, along with stashing yarn, is relatively new and I'm not thrilled over: I've started starting multiple projects at once, then only working on one at a time. If I'm not switching between projects, what's the point in multiple starts?!