Thursday, December 27, 2012

Second Verse, Same as the First

Don't know if I'll be any louder in 2013, but it's unlikely to be worse - I got a job and completely abandoned my hobbies (and most of the rest of my life).

Yet again, I'm setting the bar high: 52 projects between January 1 and December 31, with 13.1 miles spun, knitted, or crocheted.

Oh, and make it through my first year of full-time contracted teaching, but really, I was planning to do that anyway.

First up: four pairs of socks in 3 months, a violently purple shawl in a pattern I've been wanting to get to for over a year, and a couple of hats in various shapes and levels of floppy.  More Hexipuffs (because they are fun and a great way to use up yarn ends).  Some dishcloths, because it makes me happy to have Doctor Who dishcloths, and also they're fairly easy turn-ins for the silly Harry Potter knitting game I play TO WIN.