Monday, January 17, 2011

52 in 52: Weeks 1 & 2

Despite the challenges of student teaching (I'm even more invested in defending Saturdays as time OFF), I'm still squeezing in time to knit, here and there.  I don't know if I'll be able to maintain this pace, but I'm more-or-less on track to complete 52 projects in 2011.

So far, I've finished two and started a third and, perhaps best of all, they are all for me.  The fourth project scheduled for January is the second mitten of a pair; the first is done (save the thumb).

Saturday, January 01, 2011

52 in 52

I came across an ambitious - and awesome - group on Ravelry this week. It's called "52 in 52" and the idea is that participants commit to complete 52 projects in 52 weeks. It's also not necessarily a one-project-per-week thing, since some projects go quickly and others not so much. (Ben's Henry, I am looking at you.)

One of the requirements of this challenge is that fiber artists have no more than 4 projects on the needles at once. I've developed up a bad habit that, along with stashing yarn, is relatively new and I'm not thrilled over: I've started starting multiple projects at once, then only working on one at a time. If I'm not switching between projects, what's the point in multiple starts?!