Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I heart Halloween SO MUCH.

When I was a kid, Halloween was one of my Very Best Favorite holidays. It was up there with my birthday and Christmas.

I mean, when else do you get to dress up as Whatever You Want (truly, in my case, thanks to my mother the Very Talented Seamstress), eat a lot of candy, and stay up half the night? The notion of one night for playing dress-up still appeals to my inner child and whimsical nature, but I never make the time to actually do anything about it.

I may have to make the time -- I came across the Most Brilliant Idea, Ever for a costume -- Pirate Cinderella. How cool is that? Not only is she my sort-of namesake, but the costume combines Princesses and Pirates. And pirates are extremely cool.

Plus, there's something hilarious about a princess who walks around saying, "Arrrrr!" all night.

Maybe we'll have to have a Halloween Party this year. Which means I need to get started on a certain Human's bear costume.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Swappy goodness

Now that my partner has received, I can post! Yeah!

I was in the Harry Potter Favorite Character Swap on (craftster, how I love thee) and my partner was the fully-fantastic GoldfishGirl. Her favorite characters were Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Fred & George Weasley, and Molly Weasley. I wanted to send her at least one thing for each of her favorite characters.