Monday, April 11, 2011

52 in 52: Week 15

I'm at the end of my semester, so knitting time has been scarce as I try to wrap up all my deliverables for student teaching.  I did finish one object, last week: a simple alpaca cowl/eternity scarf.

The so-called Snuggly Cowl used both skeins of Blue Sky Alpacas that I had in my stash and the end result is smooshable and warm - too warm, in fact, to wear with my winter coat.  Perhaps when I switch over to a lighter jacket, since I still have car lot duty every afternoon.

I like the simple, but not boring to knit (free!) pattern.  This might be a reasonable choice for simple gifts, in the future.  (Mine, for now, though!)

Saturday, April 02, 2011

52 in 52: Weeks 3 - 14

Did I mention that student teaching is keeping me busy?!  Blogging has fallen way down the priority list, despite promises to myself about Doing Better about such things.

I've managed to finish a few projects since my last post, however, which brings me to five projects completed for the year, with another umpteen in progress.  I can't talk about one of my recent finishes, knit largely between bronchitis-induced naps over Spring Break, as it is a gift (and a spectacular one at that).  The other two products are less inspiring, but no less finished:

 Yes, a dishcloth.  Previously-knit (as in when I first started learning, back in 2002 or 2003) cloths are starting to develop worrisome holes and other signs of being used up.

So I made a new one.  And attempted to dye it, using Coca-Cola.  (I learned that Coke makes a poor dye base because the "dye" comes out in the wash.  Oh, well.)