Saturday, July 01, 2006

Swappy goodness

Now that my partner has received, I can post! Yeah!

I was in the Harry Potter Favorite Character Swap on (craftster, how I love thee) and my partner was the fully-fantastic GoldfishGirl. Her favorite characters were Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Fred & George Weasley, and Molly Weasley. I wanted to send her at least one thing for each of her favorite characters.

I sent:

- a quilted bag of scraps found around Hogwart's that Luna might make while waiting for her belongings to reappear (I love it so much, I've made one for me!)
- a butterbeer cork necklace, like Luna wears
- a Neville puppet with accompanying Trevor the toad minature stuffie
- a stencilled Fred & George tee
- a "Molly is my homegirl" tee
- notecards with quotes from and about Neville, Luna, and Fred & George. I selected paper thatI felt represented each character. Sadly, I couldn't find any Molly quotes and didn't make the time to re-read each book, pen in hand.


everything together

close-up of Nev & Trev, as I've taken to calling them

Molly shirt! I don't know why I'm so ridiculously proud of this one.

A sampling of the notecards. There were 10 in total.

I had a fantastic time making everything EXCEPT Neville's pants. For some reason, those gave me hell. I wound up sending a week late and 3 days after I'd promised thanks to those (&#@! pants. (They wouldn't stay on. The elastic and I are not currently on speaking terms.)

Swapping should NOT be this addictive.

Now, off to work on my angel package, personal swap, & Fill-a-bag swap goodies!

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