Saturday, April 02, 2011

52 in 52: Weeks 3 - 14

Did I mention that student teaching is keeping me busy?!  Blogging has fallen way down the priority list, despite promises to myself about Doing Better about such things.

I've managed to finish a few projects since my last post, however, which brings me to five projects completed for the year, with another umpteen in progress.  I can't talk about one of my recent finishes, knit largely between bronchitis-induced naps over Spring Break, as it is a gift (and a spectacular one at that).  The other two products are less inspiring, but no less finished:

 Yes, a dishcloth.  Previously-knit (as in when I first started learning, back in 2002 or 2003) cloths are starting to develop worrisome holes and other signs of being used up.

So I made a new one.  And attempted to dye it, using Coca-Cola.  (I learned that Coke makes a poor dye base because the "dye" comes out in the wash.  Oh, well.)

I also finally finished my el-cheapo, faux-isle socks that I'd been knitting since February of last year.  (More like ignoring for the better part of a year, once I discovered the cast-on made the leg too tight for my fat calves.)

So, three more down, 47 projects to go.  The three projects in progress and 11 I've kitted up (paired yarn, needles, and pattern) should move me closer to my goal.

And the Christmas Knitting portion of my queue will cut another sizeable chunk off the 52-finished-object goal I hope to reach by December 31.

Happy stitching!


Unknown said...

I *love* the dish cloth. My granny taught me that pattern about half a lifetime ago. We use 100% cotton (can't remember the brand... Sugar something...) and those things last *forever*.
Curiosity: her pattern called for about 42 stitches across at the widest point. Does that sound about right?

Cindy said...

That sounds about right. The Sugar-n-Cream cloths I made when I first started knitting around 10 years ago are just now starting to wear out, largely because I abuse them. The pattern name on Ravelry is Grandmother's Favorite; I've seen it elsewhere, as well.