Saturday, May 29, 2010

My First Lace Shawl!

A friend of mine from way back is a knitwear designer.  In the interest of supporting my friends, especially when they make awesome stuff, I added a couple of her patterns to my Ravelry queue.  And, in a moment of craziness inspiration, I decided to tackle my first lace shawl.  Using her pattern (Umbrous by Hippie Diva Creations).  In silk.

Ambitious?  Me?

I had to rip back most of the work at one point because I'd been switching between the body of the pattern and the edging without realizing it, which is only a problem if you want the pretty leaf pattern to happen, which I kind of totally did.

Fortunately, I had a life-line in.  (Lime green thread FTW!)  Unfortunately, I had not adequately marked the center stitch on my life-line, which meant that the center stitch - around which the design develops - is both askew and kind of lost int he final design.

I find that I don't care because I absolutely love the final product.

1 comment:

HippieDiva said...

Yay! :-D