Monday, January 17, 2011

52 in 52: Weeks 1 & 2

Despite the challenges of student teaching (I'm even more invested in defending Saturdays as time OFF), I'm still squeezing in time to knit, here and there.  I don't know if I'll be able to maintain this pace, but I'm more-or-less on track to complete 52 projects in 2011.

So far, I've finished two and started a third and, perhaps best of all, they are all for me.  The fourth project scheduled for January is the second mitten of a pair; the first is done (save the thumb).

FOs for January (so far):

My Spearhead Cowl that I wear all the time to the point that the kids have started asking me where it is if I where something different.  (Also, coordinates wonderfully with my Umbrous.)
Fingerless gloves from the December Indigodragonfly club kit.  Love them, even though both colorway and pattern are things I would never have chosen on my own.  But my hands?  They stay super warm, even when spending the day (like today) lesson and unit planning in my ten-degrees-cooler-than-the-rest-of-the-house home office.

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