Saturday, January 12, 2013

52 in 2013: Weeks 1 & 2

Well, well, if it isn't the second week of January.  I can tell I had some time off, because I actually got a few things D-O-N-E at the beginning of the month.  WOO!

Apparently, I am on a pig kick.  In my own defense, the first pig was planned in 2010, started in 2011, and knit (mostly) in 2012.  I did the finishing work in 2013, so I'm claiming it for this year.

When taking my photos for my project page on Ravelry, I decided that since this little piggy had given me such trouble during the making-of (OMG boucle acrylic is horrid and painful to work with), he probably had some personality flaws.

Oh, sure, he looks cute and innocent.  (I'm really pleased with the way the plaid for his nose, ears, and foot pads turned out, BTW, since I altered the pattern slightly and had to redo a couple of the pieces more than once.)

But I'm a little worried about his disposition.

Continuing the pig theme (and the using-up-yarn-from-the-pig-project them) is a mini-pig.

It's a nerdy, pretend points in a knitting game on Ravelry kind of thing.

And, because using just one color of the leftover non-boucle nightmare yarn wasn't enough, I've also got carnation-pink cabled fingerless mitts.

And not only because the title was a Doctor Who reference.  Also because CABLES, and HELLO, HAVE YOU SEEN THE AGGRESSIVE PINK?

And I'm working on four pairs of socks, debating whether to pull my entrelac shawl I started in 2005 out of the hibernation pile, my beaded silk necklace is almost 1/3 of the way done, and I've got two hats and another pair of mittens to make before the end of the month.  Oh, and an awesome, bright purple shawl I want to get going on, too.

After these lesson plans are done, I suppose.


Unknown said...

I *love* the pigs!

Cindy said...

Thank you! They came out pretty ridiculously cute.