Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Airy Nothing

My first foray into lace-ish work and I'm loving it.

I'm knitting Wisp from the Summer 2007 Knitty.  (Not that I'm behind the times or anything.)

And I LOVE it.  Enough that I'm wishing I wasn't making this as a gift.  It's light and airy and pretty (and will be stunning, once it's blocked and the fishnet lace opens up) and it's transforming my dusty-turquoise Kidsilk Haze from meh to whoa!

Because it would be bad form, I won't let the recipient know that I would totes take this off her hands if she ends up not loving it.

Funny, I find I'm feeling that way about all of my gift-knitting this year.  I hope that's not a sign that I'm ignoring other people's taste.  (I don't think I am, but there's always the possibility ...)

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