Friday, April 09, 2010

Pretty Maids All in a Row

So, as I'm finishing up my current project(s), I like to think about what's next.  (Ignoring, of course, the in-progress socks, sweater for my beloved, and Lady Eleanor wrap from 2005 that is between 25-ish and 50-ish percent complete.)

Part of the planning process includes yarn-visits.  I go into the Craft Room and check on my yarn.  Pick up a skein, admire the lovely colors (and notice that I seem to have gone on a purple tear at some point), and daydream about what they might become, someday.

(The cats' methods are different from mine.  Clearly.  I only sniff the yarn when no one's around to look.)

One of the things I love, love, love about Ravelry is my ability to take that planning and do it virtually, so there's less harassment of the yarn (because you know that Muscles Cat is ready to move up to yarn licking any day now.  Because he has to lick everything in sight.  Including me.  Mostly the Other Human, but also me.)

And Ravelry tells me I have many, many projects planned.  (I have a habit of being a wee bit overly ambitious, even in my hobby pursuits.  You say perfectionism, I say high standards of workmanship.  The cats say "more stuff for us to sniff, yay!")

Top of my queue on Ravelry?  Just a few projects.
My next XX projects, in the order I intend to complete them:

1) ivory Andean Silk- gift for MIL
2) purple & green Pagewood Farms Alyeska - Umbrous by my friend Crystal
3) grayish Handmaiden Sea Silk - Flutter Scarf
4) minty green Smooshy Starry - Foreign Correspondent's Scarf
5) sunshine & verde Northern Lights Yakino - sooper sekrit project
6) teal Debbie Bliss - gift for Mom
7) dark gray Stroll - gift for FIL
8) tweedy Stroll - gift for Bro
9) tweedy green Cosetta - gift for SIL
10) multicolored Opal - socks for meeee using the two-at-once method I want to try

It's going to be a busy summer!

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